HTML.edit is an editor for the HyperText Markup Language, the text-based coding used for documents on World Wide Web (WWW). All HTML-coded documents created by HTML.edit are saved external to the editor as ASCII text files. World Wide Web servers follow HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and deliver on demand HTML documents to remote clients using browser programs like NCSA Mosaic.
HTML.edit is a standalone HyperCard 2.2 application and does not require HyperCard to run. It includes a lot of useful features such as a B&W or color palette with pop-up menus (senses your screen depth), multiple documents, master headers and footers, drag-and-drop editing (with HTML.edit already open), hypertext-style help, resizeable editor window, command-key equivalents for commonly-used codes, option-return for <P>, and HTML code indexing - displays all instances of the selected HTML code within your document.
It follows the HTML specification for naming conventions and implements most HTML codes, including lists, images, anchors and text formats.
* New Features
Most of the new features are covered under specific topics. More generally:
This editor is a standalone application and does not require HyperCard to run. It's larger than a stack, as it includes the HyperCard engine. The advantage is that HyperCard 2.2 is not required to use it.
This version sports an Index card, with functions for saving and deleting multiple documents.
With version 1.1.2, a number of new conversion commands and a Replace command (including global replaces) have been added.
There are new Undo HTML and Remove HTML commands.
Improvements to the Images and Create HyperText Link command dialogs. A URL PopUp Menu has been added, to simplify entering URLs (Uniform Resource Locators, the Internet "address") into your documents. Now allows the URL list on the Preferences card to also be used in this capacity.
The Editor Window is now sizeable up to 640 by 640 pixels. Option-drag on the document (not window) zoom box to display a popUp menu of standard window sizes, or use the Scroll Window.
Each document is divided into a Header, Body, and Footer section. This is designed to help you create a more standardized interface for your projects, and also allows for documents larger than 30K characters. See Document Structure for more information.
Preferences are now broken into categories using a popUp menu.
* Installing HTML.edit 1.1.2
HTML.edit uses the Futura font in sizes 10 and 12 point. A font suitcase containing these is included with the HTML.edit distribution. System 6 users should use the Font/DA Mover to install the fonts; System 7 users should drop the suitcase onto their System Folder. HTML.edit will operate without the Futura font, but will contain cosmetic defects that make it difficult to read some text. If you already have 10 and 12 point Futura installed, do not install the font suitcase.
The editor will operate with as little as 1050K memory, but will not be able to zoom to a larger screen size. I'd recommend giving the application 1.3-1.5M of RAM, as then you'll be able to enlarge the window to its full 640 by 640 pixel size, and hopefully eliminate any memory-related problems. If 1.5M of RAM seems a lot, remember how much you normally allocate to HyperCard.
* Legaleze
HTML.edit Version 1.1.2, Copyright 1994 by Murray M. Altheim, Equinox Development. All Rights Reserved. The author retains all intellectual property rights to this product and its documentation.
This product is freeware. May be freely distributed in its unmodified state, and is licensed for use in educational, government, and non-profit organizations. Commercial use of this product is prohibited without license for use from its author. HTML.edit is not to be redistributed with commercial applications or in commercial CD-ROM archives without the express, written consent of the author.
HTML.edit is provided as is, without any warranty or promise of technical support. Equinox Development disclaims any liability of any kind for any damages whatsoever from use of HTML.edit, including, without limitation, incidental, consequential, indirect or special damages of any kind, even if Equinox Development is aware of the possibility of such damages. Equinox Development makes no warranties, express or implied, by statute or otherwise, with respect to the program, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
HTML.edit is a trademark of Equinox Development. Macintosh and HyperCard are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
* PostScript
If you find this product useful, I'd appreciate hearing from
you. Please send comments or bugs to:
Murray M. Altheim
Equinox Development
PO Box 4896
Alexandria, VA 22303
* Change History
7/14/94 (1.1.2f25)
- Fixed bug in updating Heading Level field.
- Ask DLOG on global replace
- add & to replacement table
7/12/94 (1.1.2f21)
- Link to Previous, Next and Selected Document (rewrite of Anchor handler)
- changes to Command keys, such as Command H for Heading, K for Remove HTML, R for Replace, etc.
6/30/94 (1.1.2d6)
- fixed TITLE so that it checks insertion point correctly
- fixes on 1.1.1 application quit (compile problem)
- fixed URL popUp
6/27/94 (1.1.1b12)
- added URL list on Prefs card to URL popUp menu
- saved state of stack indexing between sessions
- new Undo HTML feature. Command-Z is regular undo, Command-Shift-Z is Undo HTML.
- fixed mouseLeave errors on changing bgs
- updated Palette Help
- fixed minor formatting bugs
- added \ l & \ s to miniGREP
- fixed bugs in menus and tag indexing
- changed "push" visual effect to "wipe" -- less jarring
- updated Help text for most new features
- added Show Statistics option to Prefs
6/27/94 (1.1.1b2)
- added "All Occurrences" checkbox; changed name of "Global Replace" to "All Documents" checkbox in Replace╔ dialog.
- fixed URL popUp menu bug
- fixed <TITLE> command from palette.
- Image ALIGN parameterno longer has quote marks.
6/17/94 (1.1.1b)
- New Replace feature complete with Global Replace and "Mini GREP" (\r,\t,\n)). Will add to GREP features as time permits.
- Fixed a number of bugs that arose from switching MH and MF bgs.
- General cleanup of command keys and other stuff.
6/15/94 (1.1r211)
- Changed MH & MF cards to Utility BG to move some features to bg script.
- Move Headings code to HTML handler.
- Remembers Tools location
- Fixed positioning of dialogs
- Added Utility menu on Tool Palette.
- Full implementation of Physical and Logical Styles with additions for StrikeThru, Subscript and Superscript. Eliminated obsolete PLAINTEXT tags.
6/9/94 (1.1r200)
- Add and Strip Linefeeds command (for compatibility with UNIX servers).
- fixed menu updating for command keys
- removed redundant affirm dialogs on Import
- Added all File and Go menu items from palette to menubar and added Windows menu.
- fixed Command-S from Index Card (and prefs as well.)
- cleaned up startup process
6/6/94 (1.1r192)
- help window now available from any card (stack script)
- added Size Window popUp menu (option-drag on document zoom box)
- added custom dialog for Image tags.
- added custom dialog for Anchor tags.
- using ShowDialog instead of ListSelect XCMD.
6/1/94 (1.1r188)
- completed preliminary of Textoid-based Help
- fixed drag and drop bug (added TEXT file filter) on drag-and-drop appleEvent handler (?)
5/27/94 (1.1r176)
- consolidated list handlers
- Added "Convert ª to <P>" feature
- Finally set up some menubar menus appropriate to application.
- Heading level no longer being reset on new card
- Maintain selection after Style Change Option
- Arrow keys now wrap within Editor window, first to last, last to first.
- Cleaned up Editor window a BIT.
5/25/94 (1.1r172)
- Modified HTML commands to allow for insertion of codes rather than requiring a text selection. If the insertion point is in a field but the selection length = 0, then insert formatting symbols and place the cursor between them, as in <B>|</B>.
5/24/94 (1.1r169)
- Added Table Replacement feature to replace forbidden characters with their less malignant counterparts using a replacement table. (ie., ¬ -> (tm), ¿ -> (R), ╙ -> ", etc.)
- consolidated menu handling
5/21/94 (1.1r165)
- Added character entity window to insert or scan for entities in the selection.
- Moved initialization handlers to card script to save space.
5/19/94 (r162)
- Added character entity table and cleaned up handling of Help
5/17/94 (r156)
- create new document or overwrite on import option rather than the current overwrite or abort option
- Fix Set TITLE to pick up old one
- fixed most of the Balloon Help text found on the editor window.
- Add HTML Title Tags now picks up current title
- added checkbox option on adding </BODY> and </HTML> tags to Master Footer 3, and enlarged its field rect.
- if selection already includes <Hx> then update to new heading level rather than surrounding it with new tags
5/12/94 (r143)
- change implementation of <BODY> tags - moved to end of Footer.
- create Add All Structural Tags and Check Document Structure commands for Body popUp menu.
- add Scroll to Top (scrolls Header, Body and Footer fields to top)
5/9/94 (r140)
- option on not translating date codes on export
- hidepalettes now includes scroll window
- Fixed showFree and zoomDocument, which occurred twice on opencard.
- Fixed <P> handler, putting it at stack level and handling a selection properly (was replacing selection with <P>)
- Fixed Quit HTML.edit on font missing error.
- Option on replace LF characters with returns on import.
- Fixed parsing on structure code (<HTML>, <HEAD>, etc.)
- Added Remove HTML Codes to HTML menu (does not remove <A>,<IMG> or complex codes).
4/28/94 (1.1d115)
- Index, Master Headers & Footers and Preferences cards